Transform Higher Education Through Extended Reality

iXRLabs VR platform for higher education institutions empowers colleges and universities with a competitive technological advantage, enabling students to experience practical and hands-on learning to excel in the Education 4.0 era.

Unlocking New Possibilities with Virtual Labs for Colleges & Universities

With the iXRLabs VR platform for colleges and universities, educators can help students.

Transform classroom
into Virtual Labs

A virtual lab allows students to actively conduct rare scientific experiments and iterate on them, facilitating hands-on learning and improving their retention of information and higher-order thinking skills.

Save money on costly lab
upgrades and experiments

Building a laboratory or acquiring the latest machinery or taking students on industrial visits can be time consuming and costly for various universities. iXRLabs VR platform provides colleges the opportunity to showcase industrial experiences and equipment at a fraction of the cost.


With iXRLabs VR platform, colleges and universities can adopt sustainable learning practices into pedagogy, allowing students to learn about industrial equipment and processes without compromising on the environment.

Admissions and

Learning with VR can help students to help infinite curiosity and interest among students, ultimately leading them to consider careers in VR that they may not have otherwise explored.


iXRLabs VR platform facilitates interdisciplinary learning by providing immersive and interactive experiences that allow learners to explore and engage with concepts from multiple disciplines in a single environment.

Assessment and

Virtual Reality technology plays an important part of a university's infrastructure and learning resources, thus ensuring a good education environment.

iXRLabs VR Platform for Collegs & Universities

How VR can improve College's NAAC rating ?

NAAC is an independent body that periodically evaluates and accredits higher education institutions in India to maintain their quality. Interested in knowing more about it?

Then, here is a webinar as a part of iXRLabs' Knowledge series, by Prateek Malhotra in conversation with Minakshi Katoch.

Looking for more information about iXRLabs? Or want to learn more about our iXRLabs VR platform? Download our brochure and our team will get in touch with you.

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